Criminal Offender Record Investigation (CORI)

Criminal History Program

The NGBA board has voted to require that all coaches, referees and board members (except high school students) complete a criminal history request form. NGBA submits these forms to the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS) which provides information on a confidential basis to the NGBA President. The form must be completed in full and returned before an individual can be a coach, referee or board member.  Coaches shall not receive a roster until the form has been submitted.  Please note:
  1. You must include a quality digital photo of a US government-issued ID – e.g., Driver’s License.
  2. A completed signed CORI Acknowledgement form (Download the CORI form)
  3. Within the text of the email, send the following information in the following order:
    1. Last Name
    2. First Name
    3. Middle Initial
    5. Last 6 digits of SSN
  4. Email all information to the NGBA CORI Coordinator.

If you are unable to download the form, or if you have any questions, please email the NGBA CORI Coordinator.

NGBA’s policy on criminal records is as follows:

All Board members, coaches (including assistant coaches), team managers and referees over age 18 shall agree to a criminal background check by completing a form allowing NGBA to request information from the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS). Failure to complete the form shall be considered as reason for exclusion from serving as a Board member, coach or referee. The records shall be obtained by an individual designated by the Board (CORI Administrator) and shall be retained in a confidential manner as directed by the DCJIS.

Any individual shall be disqualified as a Board member, coach or referee if he/she has a criminal record that includes an open case or conviction for a violent crime, sexual crime, assault, crime involving abuse, embezzlement, drugs or other such crime judged by the board to be of a nature that would be inappropriate for an NGBA representative. After being informed that his/her participation in NGBA activities will not be permitted, an individual may appeal the decision to the NGBA Board by contacting the president or other officer. The president may appoint a subcommittee of the CORI Administrator, vice president, treasurer, secretary and any other Board member to hear an appeal.